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Brown Aluminium oxide has high density and sharp, angular structure make it one of the fastest cutting abrasives available. It has long-lasting blasting abrasive that can be recycled many times. It is the most widely used abrasive in blast finishing and surface preparation because of its cost, longevity and hardness, harder than other commonly used –blasting materials.

It is an extremely durable and tough alumina with low metallic iron content and is ideal for applications where fast cutting and consistent quality is required.

Brown Aluminium Oxide is one of the most economical processing medias for many dry and wet process applications where anything from a coarse profile to a micro finish is required.

Applications :
Grinding, Polishing, Blasting, Refractory, Cleaning, Removing Corrosion, Roughening, Etching dan Decorating

General chemical composition :

Al2O395.5 %
TiO22.7 %
SiO2 (not free)0.67 %
Fe2O30.25 %
CaO0.60 %


GRADE (Mesh)




GRADE (Mesh)



8 2360 0.560 80 180 0.125
10 2000 0.500 90 166 0.100
12 1700 0.450 100 150 0.090
14 1400 0.400 120 125 0.071
16 1180 0.400 150 100 0.063
20 850 0.315 180 83 0.056
24 740 0.280 220 68 0.050
30 600 0.250 240 60 0.045
36 480 0.225 320 45 0.038
40 425 0.160 400 38 0.030
46 326 0.160 500 28 0.025
60 250 0.125


Grain Size comparison – Brown Alumunium Oxide :

Size #16
Size #16
Size #60
Size #60
Size #150
Size #150
Size #24
Size #24
Size #80
Size #80
Size #180
Size #180
Size #36
Size #36
Size #100
Size #100
Size #220
Size #220
Size #46
Size #46
Size #120
Size #120
Size #320
Size #320

For further information, you can contact our Sales Engineer, or you can contact us directly or here.