
The small addition of chrome in the alumina improves the resistance to slag attack and greatly improves the longevity of refractory life. Ideal for air melting applications, but not recommended for vacuum melting applications. 

Maximum operating temperature 1800°C.

Chemical composition
Al203 93.88
Si02 0.66
Fe203 0.02
Ca0/Mg0 0.10
Na20 0.14
K20 < 0.01
Cr203 4.82
Porosity 20%
Density 3140 Kgm-3
Heat conductivity 3.0 Wm-1K-1 (@ 1300°)
Specific Heat 1400 Jkg-1K-1 (20 - 1400°)
Heat expansion coefficient     8.7 x 10-6 (20 - 1400°)

The crucible capacity can be made from a weight of 1 to 500 kg, for ladle transfers from 10 to 200 kg and a refractory shape according to the size required

See the sizes of the crucible available

For further information, you can contact our Sales Engineer, or you can contact us directly or here.