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SOLUBLE FIBER BLANKET is made from a blend of calcium, silica and magnesium. It has special characteristic of eco-friendly and superior to normal ceramic fiber.


  • Backup lining for dense refractory
  • Annealing furnace lining
  • Stress relieving
  • Thermal insulating material


  Soluble Fiber Blanket 1100°C Soluble Fiber Blanket 1260°C
Working Temp Rating (°C) 1100 1260
Continuous Use Limit (°C) 1000 1100
Colour White White
Density (Kg/m3) 96 - 128 96 - 128
Permanent Linear Change (%) at (24h.128Kg/m3) -3 (1000°C) -3 (1100°C)
Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)


0.087 (400°C) 0.10 (400°C)
0.191 (800°C) 0.20 (800°C)
Tensile Strength (MPa) 0.04 0.04
Chemical Analysis(%)    
SiO2 56-66 70-80
CaO 23-35 18-25
MgO 4-7 0-4
Standard Sizes (mm) 7200/3600×600/610×12.5-50. Other sizes available upon request

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