Fired Heater

Radiant wall area Casting
Insulation Lining Eco Lite VLW
Eco Lite MW 23L
Eco Lite 085 HS


Radiant bottom area Casting
Hot face Eco Kast 17
Insulation Lining Eco Lite MW 23HS
Eco Lite VLW


Convection area Casting
Insulation Lining Eco Lite LW 12
Eco Lite LW 10L


Corbel area Casting
Hot face Eco Lite LW 23LS
Insulation Lining Eco Lite LW 12
Eco Lite VLW


Stack area Casting
Hot face Eco Lite LW 10
Eco Lite LWH 124
Eco Kast 17
Insulation Lining Eco Lite VLW


Application area Material
Catalyctic Reformer Furnace Eco Kast HW 14 (C/G)

Eco Kast HW 16

Eco Lite VLW

Eco Lite LW 10

Eco Lite MW 23L

Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC) Eco Kast 18 Plus

Eco Kast Tao 82

Eco Lite 11L

Eco Lite MW 28

Eco Lite MW 30

Sulphur Recovery Unit Eco Kast 18

Eco Lite LW 12Li

Claus reactor & Sulphur condenser Eco Kast HW 14Li
Power former reactor Eco Lite MW 26
Tail gas incinerator Eco Kast 16C

Eco Kast 165

Eco Lite LW 11

Eco Lite 124HS

Synthesis gas Dryer Eco Lite MW 26Li
Flare Tip Eco Kast HW 14HS

Eco Kast HW 16

Eco Lite 045

Eco Lite 080

Eco Lite MW 23

Petroleum Coke Calciner Eco Kast 18

Ecoram 85 CP

Eco Lite MW 26

Ethylene Cracking furnace Eco Kast 16G

Eco Kast 16C

Eco Lite 26Li

Primary ammonia reformer Eko Kast LC 85

Eco Lite MW 26HS

Secondary ammonia reformer Eco Kast 18

Eco Lite LW 10

Line Burner & Mixing chamber Eco Kast LC 90 EF

Eco Lite MW 28

Thermal oxidizer Eco Kast 165G

Eco Lite MW 26

Eco Lite XLW


The application of Monolithic Refractories materials from Eco Refractories in other industries can be seen in the following link:

  1. Monolithic refractories in cement industry
  2. Monolithic refractories in steel mill industry
  3. Monolithic refractories in reheating furnace (rolling mill)
  4. Monolithic refractories in aluminum industry

For further information, you can contact our Sales Engineer, or you can contact us directly or here.