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Corondum Mullite bricks are manufactured with raw materials of coridierete, mullite, corondum which has low porosity, high hot strength and stable in high temperatures.

There are several grades of corondum mullite brick refractories:

1.  Alumina 98 (DL-98).
Refractoriness point: 1700 oC
Normal size: 230 x 114 x 65mm
2.  Alumina 96 (DL-95).
Refractoriness point: 1650 oC
Normal size: 230 x 114 x 65mm
3.  Alumina 90 (DL-90).
Refractoriness point: 1650 oC
Normal size: 230 x 114 x 65mm
4.  Alumina 85 (DL-85).
Refractoriness point: 1600 oC
Normal size: 230 x 114 x 65mm

For further information, you can contact our Sales Engineer, or you can contact us directly or here.