Blown Bulk
Blown Bulk
Spun Bulk
Spun Bulk
Spun Bulk
Spun Bulk
Chopped Bulk
Chopped Bulk
Chopped Bulk
Chopped Bulk
Blown Bulk
Blown Bulk

CERAMIC FIBER BULK is produced by the melting of very pure raw materials with the basic characteristics such as light weight low thermal capacity good thermal shock resistance, resistance to erosion and absorbent sounds.


Descriptions Ceramic Fiber Bulk 1260C Ceramic Fiber Bulk 1400 Ceramic Fiber Bulk 1500 Ceramic Fiber Bulk 1600
Classification Temperature (°C) 1260 1400 1500 1600
Melting Point (°C) 1760 1700 1760 ---
Color White White Green-blue White
Average diameter for fiber (m) 2.6 2.8 2.65 3.1
Length for fibers (mm) ~250 ~250 ~150 ~100
Density for fibers (Kg/m3) 2600 2800 2650 3100


  • Joint sealing and filling insulation (kiln car, pipeline, kiln door and so on)
  • Fiber composite (for example: grinding parcel)
  • Internal and external lining for industrial furnace
  • Structure refractory and sponging sounds
  • Materials for hot filtration
  • Raw materials for further producing

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