Alumina ceramic cylinder can be combined with high quality rubber to be used as wear protection material in mining industry, power plant, steel plant etc. The alumina cylinder boned rubber wear panel has excellent impact resistant performance against other wear resistant material. Thanks to the excellent wear and impact resistance performance, the alumina cylinder can help to expend the life time of the equipment effectively. The alumina ceramic cylinder also can be used as grinding media in ball mill to increase the grinding efficiency as well.




Products TC 85 TC 92 TC 95 TC 97 TC 99
Alumina Content (%) (+ZrC2)≥83 ≥92 ≥95 ≥97 ≥99
Moh’s Hardness (Mohs) 9 9 9 9 9
Rate of Water Absorption(%) ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01
Fracture Toughness(n/mm) 38 40 42 44 48
Bending Strength (Mpa) 235 255 275 285 300
Bulk Density (g/cm3) ≥3.30 ≥3.63 ≥3.68 ≥3.73 ≥3.83



Shape Size(mm)
Cylinder Dia.15 x 9.75 Dia.16 x 16 Dia.25 x 9.75 Dia.30 x 30 Dia.32 x 16 Dia.32 x 32 Dia.50 x 24
Dia.20 x 9.75 Dia.20 x 20 Dia.25 x 25 Dia.31 x 31 Dia.32 x 24 Dia.40 x 40 Dia.50 x 50
Dia.40 x 42 Dia.25 x 30 Dia.21 x 21 - - - -
Semi-Cylinder Dia.20 x 20 Dia.21 x 21 Dia.32 x 32 - - - -

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