Why ZSI ?

High and increasing amount of secoundary and/or alternative fuel!


─ High and increasing amount of secoundary and/or alternative fuel creates high chemical load (e.g. chlorids, alkalis). It needs refractory which is Resistance against various chemical attacks

─ High and increasing amount of secoundary and/or alternative fuel creates H2O containing atmospheres. Chemical reaction between H2O and SiC create passive increasing volume.

Passive oxidation of SIC
SiC (s) + 2 H2O (g) -> SiO2 (s) + CH4 (g) [passive], increasing of volume

It needs refractory which is Lower SIC contents, SIC protection“

─ High and increasing amount of secoundary and/or alternative fuel creates more unwanted deposits and build up. Use of various cleaning methods (e.g.: water- and air-canons, Cardox).

It needs refractory which are Mechanical resistance, Abrasion resistance & Thermomechanical resistance


Necessity of a chemical, mechanical and thermomechnical resistant material

Extreme good resistance against alkali attack, also in H2O containing atmosphere

3 2 4 12 0 - 1

Standard LC Castable

3 2 4 12 0 - 2
3 2 4 12 0 - 4

ZSI Product - Series

3 2 4 12 0 - 3
3 2 4 12 0 - 5

SiC Product

ZSI Product

Al2O3 (%)

SiO2 (%)


AT (°C)

CCS  1450 °C (MPa)

Supergun 63 ZSI 63 10 11 (ZrO2), 7 (SiC) 1450 100 2,7
Refcast V663 ZSI 63 12 12 (ZrO2), 7 (SiC) 1500 150 3,0
TSR Alkali resistance

Abrasion resistance (ASTM)

Supergun 63 ZSI ++++ ++++ < 10 cm³
Refcast V663 ZSI ++++ ++++ < 4 cm³

➔ Now Also available as fast heat up / Sol-Gel Version

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