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Gunning machines
(Spraying Wet/Dry Refractory Mass Application)
We supply a complete range of rotor machines for wet & dry sprayed concrete applications. The same machines are normally adopted also for the pneumatic conveyance of pea-gravel, typically to fill the space between excavation and concrete form-works
The range of rotor machines is composed of four models (the smaller available also in economic version) for each one are available different rotors and hoses’ sizes, allowing to cover at best all the effective outputs included between 0,3 and 18 cubic metres/h.
The machines are endowed with exclusive devices such as:
* Hydraulic clamping system of the rubber gaskets on the rotor;
* Lubricated sealing gaskets;
* Carrying frame conveying also the compressed air stream;
* Sequence of commands regulated from PLC;
* Self diagnostic device;
* The patented system to prevent the formation of blockages along the delivery line;
* High pressure water pump;
* Remote control unit;
* Synchronized dosing unit for liquid quick setting chemical admixtures (DOSA version).
Spraying Arm
(Entention equipment for Gunning machine)
The spraying arms of the RAPIDO series are destined to the moving at a distance of the spraying pistol when executing sprayed concrete application using both the dry or wet system. Their use allows to better in large extent the working conditions at the job-sites together with a sensible increase in the productivity.
Fettling Machines and Spraying Machine
For hot repair in EAF
Untuk peralatan pemasangan refractory di Electric Arc Furnace, bisa melihat di EQUIPMENTS FOR REFRACTORY INSTALLATION IN STEEL MELTING INDUSTRIES
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