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SOLUBLE FIBER BOARD is made from Soluble fiber, by organic binder. It has the features of water proof, resistant to thermal shock, higher content of fiber, strong and easy for machining.


  • Refractory lining for industrial furnaces.
  • Backup insulation for bricks and monolithic
  • Transfer molten metal and other nonferrous metals
  • Thermal insulating material


  Soluble Fiber Board 1100°C Soluble Fiber Board 1260°C
Working Temp Rating (°C) 1100 1260
Continuous Use Limit (°C) 1000 1100
Colour White White
Density (Kg/m3) 300 300
Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)


0.080 ( 400°C) 0.10 (400°C)
0.121 (800°C) 0.13 (800°C)
Compressed Strength (MPa) 0.14 0.14
Standard Sizes(mm) 1200 x 1000 x 25/50. Other sizes available upon request

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